Introduction / Overview:  Identity Exploration  by ---- ---

As prospective teachers in secondary education, it is important to understand the various physical, psychological, social, and cognitive changes that adolescents undergo.  In fact, according to Erik Erikson’s life span theory, adolescence is the most important stage in one’s life, for they are “faced with the task of developing a sense of self-continuity”—or in other words, identity formation (Dunkel & Sefcek 14).  That being said, our nine-week unit focuses on the theme of identity exploration, and is built upon a few essential questions that are intended to guide students through this rather complex process.  Such essential questions are: What is identity?  What does it mean to be true to yourself?  Is how we identify ourselves more important than how others identify us?  Through carefully crafted lessons, students are to engage in readings and activities that will prompt them to explore, reflect, define and articulate their ongoing process of identity formation.   

The two texts that we have chosen to incorporate into this unit are The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indianby Sherman Alexie.  Students will be asked to read, analyze and personally connect to these texts as the protagonists in each novel endeavor to form their own identities.  In doing so, it is our hope that our students will also be encouraged to think about their ongoing process of identity formation.  

Source: Dunkel, C.S. & Sefcek, J.A. “Eriksonian Lifespan Theory and Life History Theory: An       Integration Using the Example of Identity Formation.”  American Psychological (2009): 13-23.    Web. 10 Dec. 2010

Unit Calendar

(For the best viewing experience, download the original attachment, view on a large screen, or use the scrollbar at the bottom of the calendar)

CI403 UNIT PLAN. Calendar.doc

February 2011

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
31 LISA L.P.A. (1) 1 2 ANNA L.P.A. (1) 3 LISA L.P.A.(2) 4
- Book Discussion Ch. 3-4

- Symbols and their meanings to Holden

HW: CITR Ch. 5-6

Ackley and Stradlater as

Foils Activity

HW: Study for Quiz

- CITR Quiz 1 on Ch. 1-6

- Lit Circle Group Discussions

HW: CITR Ch. 7-8

Book Discussion on Ch. 7-8 using SparkNotes

HW: CITR Ch. 9-10; SparkNotes Editors

Reaching Holden Activity

HW: Texting Activity

7 LISA L.P.A. (3) 8 9 LISA L.P.A. (4) 10 11

- Small Group Share:

Reaching Holden Activity

- Making Predictions

HW: CITR Ch. 11-12

Index Card

Group Question Review

HW: Study for Quiz

- CITR Quiz 2 on Ch. 7-12

- Interrupted reading Activity

for Ch. 13-14

HW: CITR Ch. 13-14

Holden and J. Alfred Prufrock

HW: CITR Ch. 15-16

- Ch. 15-16 Class discussion

- Group timeline Activity

HW: CITR Ch. 17-19

14 ANNA L.P.A. (2) 15 16 ANNA L.P.A. (3) 17 ANNA L.P.A. (4) 18
- Book Discussion Ch. 17-19

-Read Fisher Price’s cartoon of scene in Ch. 19

-Create their own comic strips using Comic Creator

HW: CITR Ch. 20

Silent Conversation Quiz Review

HW: Study for Quiz

- CITR Quiz 3 on Ch. 13-20

-Discuss the lack of diversity in The Catcher in the Rye; historical context of the novel

HW: CITR Ch. 21-22

Catcher Playlist

HW: song & rationale

Catcher Playlist Wrap-Up and partner sharing

HW: CITR 23-24

21 22 LISA L.P.A. (5) 23 24 25


- Banned books and

censorship debate

- American Library Assoc.

Top 100 Banned Book List

for 2000-2009

HW: CITR Ch. 25-26

CITR Wrap-Up

A Letter to the Principal

HW: None; catch up on reading, if haven’t finished novel.

-Hand out writing prompts for Essay Test and go over each prompt

-Brainstorm main ideas & supporting quotations in small groups

HW: Prepare for Essay Test

-In-class Essay Test

HW: None

28 ANNA L.P.A. (5)


2 3 4
-Return Essay Test with feedback.

-Writer’s Workshop to help students develop the essay tests into final essays for CITR

HW: Work on essay

Anna LPA #5

”Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon

-Write from Holden’s perspective in small groups

-Present poems in small groups.

HW: Write “Where I’m From” poem & work on essay

--Students share “Where I’m From” poems

-Jigsaw activity using poems related to identity:

-”Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes

-”Identity” by Julio Noboa Polanca

-”Hanging Fire” by Audre Lorde

-”Be Nobody’s Darling” by Alice Walker

HW: Work on essay

-Connecting Catcher in the Rye to excerpts of Dead Poets Society

- Students fill compare/contrast handout

during film

HW: Work on essay

- Essay due in the beginning of class.

- Dead Poets Society Comparison continued

- Handout due at end of class

HW: None

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
GINTARE L.P.A.(1) 7 8 GINTARE L.P.A.(2) 9 JASON L.P.A.(1) 10 Jason L.P.A. (2) 11
Introduction: Sherman Alexie. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

Sherman Alexie’s essay: “I Hated Tonto (Still Do).

YouTube Video: Hollywood portrayal of Indians/ Native Americans.

HW: (Read p. 1-23)


Discuss 1-23

Memoir Exploration Worksheet.

Discussion of names/cultures.

HW: (Read p. 24-47)

(Discuss 24-47)

Read “Rowdy Sings the Blues” in class.

Silent conversations (groups)

Discussion of HOPE:

HW: (Read p.54-66) and finish Silent Conversation

Discuss: “How to Fight Monsters.”

Lesson on Mascots

(Persuasive Essay??)


Quick Mascot recap.

Unofficial Rules Lesson

(Hw: Read p.67-98)

14 GINTARE L.P.A.(3) 15 JASON L.P.A.(3) 16 JASON L.P.A.(4) 17 GINTARE L.P.A.(4) 18
Reading QUIZ

Issue of Poverty, money availability for Junior’s Halloween costume.

Conflict with teacher. Is it ok to be “smarter” than the teacher activity.

(Hw: read p. 99-113)

Discussion of 99-113.

Eating disorders/addictions

Tea party activity.

(HW: Read p.114-132) and finish Tea Party Activity (individual part).

Apple Lesson

With discussion of 114-132.

HW: “create your own apple”

Read “Reindeer Games” and “And a Partridge in a Pear Tree” (p. 135-151).

Individual vs. community lesson

(HW: Read 152-168)

Lesson on death, grief, and tolerance. (Discussion of p152-168).

Question-Answer-Relationship Worksheet

-Create your own Journal Topic

(HW: Read p.169-199) and finish journal if not done in class

JASON L.P.A.(5) 21 22 GINTARE L.P.A. (5) 23 24 25
Cartoon lesson

HW: Read “Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses” p.200-213


Lesson: Alcoholism, What is it? What causes it?


Effects on loved ones. Junior’s reaction to his sister’s death.

HW: Finish reading book. P. 213-229.

Discussion of book as a whole.


HW: Finish letter to sister or grandma.

Pass out the students’ final assessment project/essay.

Take today to explain the variety of choices that the students have.

Have the students complete a brainstorming activity to help guide their decisions.


Show movie:

Smoke Signals by

Miramax Films

Release date: June 1999

Screenplay published by: Miramax Books

(Show 45 minutes)

28 29 30 31 APRIL 1
Show movie:

Smoke Signals by

Miramax Films

Release date: June 1999

Screenplay published by: Miramax Books

(Show last 45 minutes)

HW: continue working on final paper/project/essay/ performance

Activity comparing The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian to

Smoke Signals.

HW: continue working on final paper/project/essay/ performance

Compare Holden and Junior.

If they met, what would they do?

Get into their shoes.

HW: continue working on final paper/project/essay/ performance

Making personal connections to the authors!

-Which book did you like better? Do you connect with Junior or Holden? Why?




Performances made, paper ideas presented, projects presented.